Monday, May 5, 2008


Soooo....Let me just say how proud i am of my lil man....We had a rather intense weekend, but I am so happy to say that Coen is now potty trained.... Yah Yah Yah Yah Yah Yah Yah

You cant see me now, but i am still dancing.

Potty training has been difficult for Coen. But last week after he told me he just "didnt want to get up and go", that i realized he was just being lazy. Plus he had developed a horrible rash on his crease and i knew it wasnt going to go away staying in wet pants. So i took a good friends advice ( enter shout out to jen here) and just put his big bou underpants on, and called it a day. The reward system never seemed to work for him but taking things away from him works like a charm. And the boy loves his money. So we made a Coen bank jar and a Mommy bank jar. He starts the day with 10 shiny dimes and every time he peed in his pants he gave me 1 and everytime he pooped he gave me 2. Accidents were had, but i only received 6 dimes all weekend. He even stayed dry at the Jazz fest and used the Porta Potty. I cant tell you how many times i have turned the corner in the backyard and seen his white butt watering my grass......

What a good weekend....


emily the mom said...

Congrats!!! Way to go Coen!

And the peeing outside? Yeah, thats come back to bite me in the butt. My kids ask if they can do it everywhere......