Sunday, September 28, 2008

I think im gonna barf

I am sitting here watching the New Kids behind the music special, and i cant help but feeling like throwing up....The butterflies in my tummy are on crack, and the closer i get (less than 3 weeks) the more bizarre and surreal my days become....It is still odd to ride around in the car with my son, my SON and sing and dance together....He can name all of them on site, and it makes me laugh to hear him sing it.....It freaks me out that Juli, Sarah and i are finalizing wardrobes, car rentals and scheming....we are 33 and scheming like 15 year is so insane!!!!!!
I know i keep writing about it, and to most of you it is crazy, there are only 2 people in this world who know what i am going thru.....
Those were the greatest times of my life, and i cant believe i get the chance to do it many time does that i am stealing a phrase from my man Donnie, The new last chapter.....
I cant wait to stand in that audience and gice my thanks for giving us all this chanve again, and i am soooooo glad i get to spend it with my other halves, who i wouldnt even have if it wasnt for the New kids.....I honestly cant imagine what my life would have been like without them, and i am glad i dont have to.....To friendship, love, and rockin out with your cock out...BRING IT


julianna said...

Right on, girlie! I'm counting down the days, too. Can't wait to share this with you two!
