Monday, July 14, 2008

Mornings with the swim nazi

So all last week Coen and I (and twice Denton) made the treck to Lavergne to visit Coens swim teacher, aka the Swim Nazi.....I lovingly referred to it as coffee with a sife of torture. The swim nazi is not your normal coddling teacher....No siree, as he said, "if you are 2 or 3 you are not allowed to cry at his house." The main thing i learned watching Coen get dunked and thrown in is, this kid is stubborn.....He cried everyday from the secind he woke up to the time he got out of the pool, but by the end of the week the crying, screaming "i dont like it, i cant do it", fighting and hating Mr Gareth had stopped. On friday he jumped off the diving board and floated on his back, turned over and swam halfway across the pool. After 1 week this kid no longer uses water wings and is trying to get things off the bottom of the pool. At todays lesson he was the assistant and was showing the new kids what to do....

Mr Gareth works miracles....He is tough on the kids, but i have watched him give as many kisses, hi fives and "i am so proud of you" as much as i have seen him yell and dunk....


Anonymous said...

That is absolutely amazing, Shea! I'm so proud of little Coen... and you for making it through the coffee with a side of torture. I literally laughed out loud when I read that, but at the same time, I can imagine how painful it was to watch! Scarrrrry! You are much braver than I could ever be.

emily the mom said...

awesome! way to go coen!

Dusty Brown said...

Me, too! Me, too! I'm impressed!