Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Movin out

So much has been going on lately around here, with my health and back and pneumonia and the whole mess with the swine flu. I havent had a whole lot of time to deal with a very large change that has been going on in my life.
While we were in Florida, mema had a "stroke" or what the docs thought was one and went into the hospital and later rehab. Everyone decided she could no longer care for herself on her own, so she decided to move into the Stones River Manor. We all got together the other night to pack her up and clean out the apartememnt. I realized, coen would no longer be going over there, which he has done every wednesday since he was born, and never would mema fix me a lunch or ask me to sit a spell....And it makes me extremely sad.... I know she is making friends and getting taken care of, but it is sad, and a little big for me to wrap my head around.

And it was difficult that i couldnt help my mom anymore than i could, being as sick as i was.....


Dusty Brown said...

I know it is hard! Life is hard. At least she is happy to be going. Lurv ya!