Friday, October 2, 2009

Oh my aching back

Ok, so i have decided this will be the first, and last post i will do concerning my back (or will try to do.)

Anyway, somewhere in the middle/end of July i woke up one day in excrutiating pain and i couldnt get out of bed. I went to my PCP and he diagnosed muscle strain, sent me home with muscle relaxers and pain pills. I healed up after 2 weeks of meds and rest. No one knows if this was triggered by the Physical Therapy i was receiving for my feet or not.

I woke up again around the 24th of August in severe pain once again and couldnt get out of bed. Thursday night I ended up in the er and recieved muscle relaxers and pain pills and sent home. Saturday night i couldnt stand it anymore, nothring was helping. I wasnt sleeping and was in one constant spasm. So we headed back to the er. The xray was clear and after 16 mg of Morphine, and a little stronger pain med i went home. The following Tuesday i went to see a new doc, Dr Newton. He basically told me to suck it up, refused to do and MRI and sent me home, telling me to come back in 2 weeks. I went back the next Friday to get a refill on my meds and he told me to take Tylenol.

So this went on for 3 weeks. The cocktail of pain meds and muscle relaxers, accupuncture, and not even being able to get out of bed to make my son breakfast. So, Coen went to McMInville one weekend and i woke up completely covered in hives. My hands looked like sausages and were completely swollen so bad i couldnt write. Tuesday i had an appointment with a Chiropractor and and appt at the Neck and Back pain center. Both docs susspected a disc injury and Dr Moran's PA sent me for a MRI. The same test Dr Newton had refused a month before.

They discovered i was allergic to the Percocet and started me on a new med, the physical therapy finally started and the chiropractor trips seemed to help. The Monday after my birthday i went in for the results of my MRI. The PA, gave me an exam and kept asking if i had leg and hip pain. He told me i had Degenerative Disc Disease, involving 2 discs on the right and 1 on the left. He told me he believed i was in alot of pain, and probably would always be in pain. He told me that my discs involved really wouldnt let me have any kind of surgery, and basically i would have to live with this the rest of my life. He said nurses have the worst backs...

So here i am. I missed the entire month of September, because i was in pain. I am in pain, varying degrees, every day. I am trying to comes to terms with this, yes i know it could be worse, but for right now, i pretty much sucks for me. I dont know what i can or cant physically do. I dont know if i wll be able to nurse the way i want for the rest of my career. I dont know if i will be able to hoop. Everything is up in the air...I had steroid injections in my spine, my next step and so far cant tell a difference. We will see


Dusty Brown said...

I am so sorry, Shea! I am praying for you and I hope you get relief very soon. PS I'll take your extra percocets. LOL!