Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Open bar and a cake.....I am sooooo there

Whew.... I am feeling better, a little more rested, and in a better place i think mentally since it only took 2 cups of coffee to get me going instead of 6.

So....Last week was the whirlwind i like to call "What happens when your best friend gets married," or "Type A plans a party," whichever you prefer. The week got started off on the 26th with a bachelorette party consisting of scavenger hunts, vibrators and alcohol. Yah. My type of party. Work the next day, not so fun.

Well the river in New Orleans suffered a major oil spill so Jules got to come in days in advance. I spent a better part of the week visiting, taking Coen to swim class and getting him ready for his big trip to Ohio.

Thursday afternoon Denton and Coen left for Ohio and I rested up before heading to the airport Friday night to pick up Sarah. After a nice liquid dinner of Margaritas and a side of cheesy rice we headed to Chris and Nates party. We drank to much, stayed up way to late.

Saturday morning, 1030 am, hungover, breakfast with bride at City Cafe. Hit up some Gymboree for some tax free shopping and went back to chateau Brock for the 4 hour process of getting ready. Hair up, new dress on. Check, out the door.

Terra and Brents wedding was fabulous, and the hottest i have ever been too, sorry sam, you have been replaced. We family and close friends gathered, OUTSIDE, for a short ceremony in front of Oaklands Mansion, and than headed next door for the reception. The bride looked gorgeous in red, yes red.

And so, after many, many, many,many,many, Jack and Cokes, cake, dancing, jumping, singing and hugging, there was the cake....AAHHHHH, the most important part of any good wedding. I went up to Donna, who made the cake and told her i wanted to smack her it was so good (told you too many drinks).... Anyway my fave part was singing arm in arm with Terra and Sarah to "I will survive", just like disco in the apt...

The night fades into a blur of Gentleman Jims and the Pub after that, and after taking Sarah to the airport i waited for my boys to get back....Back to life, back to reality


Dusty Brown said...

Like I said, nice pile of cocktail cups in front of you guys!!