Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You never forget your first time.......

God I love this man,,,he always makes me weak in the knees.....Not in a sexual way,but in an, i love this man way....Let me expalin....
It was 1992 and i was even old enough to vote but Sam and i drove to Nashville to the grand ole opry to see Bill Clinton speak. And from the moment he took the stage to the moment he shook my hand i felt that i was watching greatness. He made me passionate about my country, and made me want to do everything i could to get him elected. I drove around with my Clinton/Gore bumpersticker on my beat up Bronco. I worked at the headquarters and partied at the Democrat party after he won.
Since than i have mostly felt that with politics you pick the least of 2 evils, and i was beginning to feel that way with this election, that was until his speech tonight. I am now not just voting for Obama because he is the Democratic candidate, but because i believe he can turn this country around. I am once again excited about politics, and am psyched to take part in the election process come November. I cant wait to hear Obama speak tomorrow.....Yah


Dusty Brown said...

He's always given me the heeby-jeebies, but to each her own! I missed the coverage last night. I'll try to tune in tonight.

PS My A & P lab will not be dissecting any animals. I know you will be happy. On the other hand, no pun intended, we'll be handling human arms and legs!