Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rant Rant.... i gotta rant

Okay, so i have to rant....This is not aimed at anyone, just a general rantiness.....

So i have had a few people ask me in the past few weeks....why am i going green, why have i changed my beauty products, cleaning products, using more organics, and basically worried about toxins in my products when i do Not so nice stuff to myself on a daily basis....

I have always been concerned about the environment, i started the environmental club at my school for petes sake. I have been using tote bags at the grocery for awhile and d and i have been recycling for as long as we have been together.

I guess it all really started to bother me when we moved in the new house. Arond that time i read "Gorgeously Green" and "Not a pretty face," and i really started thinking more about not just myself but my environment, the space surrounding me everyday. The EPA visited the hospital and tested our water and what they found was alarming. The amount of narcotics and hormones was thru the roof....much like our water supply in general.

We are surrounded by toxins just by walking but i decided i wanted to try and protect my family when i could. I will use a less toxic alternative when it is available. So i first started with cleaning products. Studies show childhood asthma has increased over the years due to chemicals that are inhaled from household cleaning supplies. I like the fact that Coen can help me clean and i dont worry anymore, and i love the natural smell my house has. I hate the "clean" chemical smell now...

I next moved to bath and laundry products. I never thought about all of the "bad" stuff that i was literally bathing myself and my child in everyday. The average women uses 25 or more products just getting ready in the morning, and the cosmetic industry is the only industry not regulated by any gov agency. Get that, no one is regulating what you are putting on your body, and your skin being the biggest organ on your body, what you put on you put in. So i got rid of products that i felt had the most influence on my life and the life of my child.

And not only was that stuff going on me, but where was it going from there, down the drain, into the water supply. So thats where the laundry stuff comes into play. All that stuff, in the lakes and streams. And than we drink it.

Organics. I dont like the fact that the average young girl starts her period at 9 or 10, mostly due to increased hormones in dairy. And i dont like all of the antibiotics or pesticides in my food. I like that organic farming is better on the land. I like the fact that studies show Organic foods have up to 34% more vitamins and minerals than non-organic food.

Is that it.....Have i covered it all....No i am not perfect....I still drink coke like it is outta style, and i still get styrofoam at Sonic and McDonalds (but i write them frequently and ask that they stop using it), I still swim in chlorinated pools, use hair dye and am still fat....

But i am trying.....

So if you are interested, ask me, or check out the above mentioned books, You can also check out


Mandy said...

Hey, I'm proud of ya. You gotta start somewhere, right?

Dusty Brown said...

Lodi Dodi, child. You are doing WAY more than me. Just don't worry about it! It is a subective thing and there will always be someone out there doing more than you. Keep up the good work.

emily the mom said...

I for one am proud of you! You need to lead a seminar for all of us! Really. I'm not kidding.

Dusty Brown said...

So I just wanted you to know that you ARE making a difference!

Tough mama said...

Welcome to the green side, Luke. (Said in my best DarthVader voice)

Ursula Brangwen said...

Whoever gave you shit for being green on one hand and fat on the other needs a swift kick in the pants! As a fellow plus-sizer, I eat all organic veggies, meats, and grains; but I love love love soda and cookies. Some things just won't be changed! But if you're living w/a conscious effort to mostly eat local and organic when you can, then you're doing the world a huge favor. You being fat isn't really affecting anyone other than you and your family. Most of us who are big aren't fat by choice. So many of us have been through hurt and pain in the past that trigger our eating much in the way that addicts are triggered to alcohol and drugs. Shame on anyone who passes judgment on us.

Also, I use only natural, safe cleaning products in our house. We don't have kids but plan to, and we do have dogs that I need to think about. And the world doesn't belong to me, so I feel the need to be as nice to it as possible while still living in contemporary America.

Anyone who sets out to judge another should probably stop and take a long harsh look in the mirror. I know I'm a little late on commenting on this post, but it boiled my kettle when I read this (am I first-time reader, also)!