Saturday, December 27, 2008

it's over

Whewww.... we have had sooo much fun this holiday season, but i am soo glad it is over. Last night Coen spent the night with Mimi, i turned off my phone and just vegged out. So nice, and so quiet.

We started the week off monday with a cookie decorating playdate at our house. We did some cookies and as always we moms ended up at the kitchen tables while the kiddos tore thru the house. It was nice for Coen to get some energy out and always cool to hang with the ladies.

Wednesday we went to Nannie and Grandaddys to eat an open presents. Denton ended up having the night off so that was great. We ate till we were stuffed, opened some presents, played with baby jacob, and Denton fell asleep. Hilarious...

Santa came and Thursday found us opening presents and than heading to Mimi and Bopahs to open some more. Coen is OBSESSED with outer space so most presents revolved around planets, including his telescope and revolving solar system. Thursday night we went to McMinnville to eat and do the present thing with Dentons dad and stepmom.....

whew, here are some shots