Sunday, February 1, 2009

We got tickets

So Iw as in my car Thursday night on the way to hoop class listening to the radio, something i never do, when the add for the New Kids concert came on. Tickets were to go on sale the next morning. Thank god i heard, i got my days confused and thought the tics went on sale saturday. Woopsie.
So Friday morning, butterflies a flutter in my tummy, i got on the computer at 9:30 and waited till 10. I hit refresh at exactly 9:59 and punched in my request for 4 tickets. We ended up with section 104, row KK. Why not floor seats you ask? Let me explain.
There are 4 of us going to the show, the 4th person being my 4 year old son Coen. Am I crazy, you ask. Why on earth woukd i take a 4 year old to a concert. This will be his first concert and i am so excited that he gets to experience it with me, and his beloved aunties. And i am also psyched that it is the New Kids. Not only are they precious to me, but they are also his favorite band. The pic above is him jamming out to the Today show. He insisted on having his own cd and knows most of the lyrics to all the songs (even if they are made up.) I cant wait to walk aroung with him and show him to all the fans. I cant wait to show him all the things that go on at a show and am prepared for the million of questions he will ask. I cant wait to see the look on his face when his "New Guys" take the stage. I cant wait to hear him sing and watch him dance. I think i am more excited for him than me.
So in part that is why we di nt get floor seats. They werent available for 4, and i just felt safer having Coen a little out of the craziness......He is so excited. He cant wait...


Dusty Brown said...

Bi-touche, I sent you like three messages telling you it was Friday, not Saturday! I had your back!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome. We were contemplating taking Nicholas to Billy Joel & Elton John ourselves, because Nick actually digs Elton and if I exposed him to Billy, I'm sure that would be a fave too. I bet Coen is going to have so much fun! I'm very excited for him, as well. And I'm excited for you and that you get to share this love of NKOTB with a child-- I feel similar when Nick requests to hear the Beatles or something (though to a lesser degree as I've never stalked them. HA!) Still, it's awesome when your kids show an appreciation for something that you enjoy, too. Yay for first concerts! I hope it rocks, and I can't wait to hear all about it :)

emily the mom said...

i can't wait to hear about this - it just doesn't get more perfect than that!