Monday, May 11, 2009

A post- mothers day blog

I dont know why, but for some reason, every mothers day has been a bust. The first year i had to work, the second year D got horrible poison ivy all over his face and i had to drive home from Alabama with my own private version of the elephant man. I dont remember last year. And this year, i woke up to Coen throwing a card at me and yelling "Happy moms day" while he ripped open said card and flung money all over me.

I did get money for my mani/pedi, and i did get a cute flower cup he made for me at school. And i know it's the thought that counts, but i think it means more to me than anyone else. I remember D saying on my first mothers day, when i asked what he was going to get me, "Your not my mom." I think he was kidding but i dont know.

I always feel like it is a day for me and Coen, since he is the reason i am a mom. And i love him more and more every day.

Anyway, Happy Day after Mothers day, which is always better for me......


Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU. Let's get together thi week and celebrate without the kids.

Dusty Brown said...

Bless your heart. D has to take care of mother's day until Denton is an adult. He might not realize it yet, but things will get better! Lurv ya!