Friday, June 26, 2009

The End of an Era

Before I turn on "Michael Jackson" tv, before i gaze at Perez or TMZ regurgitating what little tidbits of gossip they know, and before all my magazines come flooding in with tributes and diatribes about his death, i think i will sit here a minute and reflect on my personal tribute to the "King of Pop."

I remember sitting in my Strawberry Shortcake flannel nightgown holding my own copy of "Thriller." I remember trying to do the Moonwalk, and failing, miserably. I remember wanting my own red "Beat It" jacket, coveting my dads work glove, and yes, owning a pair (or 3) of parachute pants. I remember "Thriller" both scaring the shit out of me, and my wanting to be the girl in the video at the same time. I remember Sam getting a case of Michael Jackson trading cards and attaching a pack to everyones christmas present, and the taste of that stale, break your teeth hard gum that came in the pack. I remember Bubbles the Chimp, and the start of Neverland. I remember the outrage of him taking Brooke Shields to the Oscars.

I dont think i have owned a Michael Jackson cd since "Thriller", but i know every word to every song. I have seen every video, every interview and read every scandelous rumor. "Man in the Mirror" still makes me cry, and is one of my fave songs of all time. "We are the World" still gives me hope after 20 something years. And "Thriller" still makes me want to get up and shake my ass. And yes, i am old enough to remember, with vivid detail, that kiss. The one between him and Lisa Marie at the MTV awards, still one of the best "Kiss my ass" moments ever caught on tape. But along with most of the general public the words "Michael Jackson" are more synonimous with pedophile, child molestor, messed up childhood, and plastic surgery. And that saddens me. What the media and public in general can do to a person is truly frightening.

So i am gonna try and not think about what his life turned into, or what the public and the media thurned him into. I am just gonna think about his legacy. Without him there would be no New Kids on the Block. No justin Timberlake. No Ne-Yo, or any other r&b act to come about since the 70's. He is a member of the musical elite, a group so small that their numbers fit on one hand.

I am gonna remember the chubby faced member of the "Jackson 5". The badass that was too cool for 2 gloves, and the musical visionary that set the world (not to mention his hair, sorry i couldnt not do one pun) on fire. You'll be missed Michael, more than i think even you would have ever guessed.


Dusty Brown said...

Very touching! Michael will never die in our hearts! I think we should make sparled gloves for our kids.