Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday Night and Sunday mornings

Hmmmmm... What to blog about?
I dont know, and thats why i guess i havent blogged in a while. Nothing really to say. Not ready to talk about the end of the reunion, and not really anything else to add...
So, what have i been up too? Working, school-work, trying to keep my sanity, trying to keep my almost 5 year old constantly entertained, as to avoid lokking him in the compost kennel, or say, leaving him at whatever gas station/store we are at and make him earn his living. This summer has gone by fast, which is weird considering how it has seemed to drag on and on.....
I am bummed that i hurt my back, cause it makes it damn near impossible to hoop, and that is like therapy for me. I tried to the other day and ended up eating muscle relaxers and chasing them down with wine, all whil managing to keep the house together, raise a child and balance my big ass on a heatin pad. Priceless.
Anyway, we got our DREAM beach house and will be with Sarah at the end of September...Woo hoo, late bday for me and a baby shower for her.....
Anywho, the Counting Crows concert is in 2 days at the Ryman, so i am sure i will blog about that.....
until than, stay cvool my lil penquins


Dusty Brown said...

I agree that this summer has flown by!