Monday, March 24, 2008

Dreams of Adam

Sooooooo......Anyone who knows me well, knows that, to me, The Counting Crows are the bees knees....They are my favorite band and have been almost since they hit the scene in the early 90's....i remember dancing around to "mr Jones" while in high school, i remember driving around town screaming "Angels of the Silences" after my grandfather had his heartattack, i remember crying in Gentleman Jims with Sarah while "Anna Begins" blasted on the jukebox, i remember living my own music video to "Einstein on the beach", i remember meeting Adam and him singing "Long December" to me in concert....I remember Dave and i chasing them to Atlanta when i was 6 months pregnant....So many moments of my life have circled around them and their music and i cant wait until the new album drops tomorrow.....Dave and I plan on taking a mini tour to see them in Birmingham and Atlanta and Denton and I are planning to fly to Tampa to see Sarah and the crows.....I am so excited and elated to share this chapter of my life with my old friends.......and p.s. Adam is still hot even after all these years..... woowoo