Thursday, May 15, 2008

Random things running around my head

1. Coen is out of school...what am i suppose to do with him 7 days a week....ahhhhhhh

2. I paid 65 dollars to fill up my Jeep today...ouch and i didnt even get foreplay

3. New kids on Today show in the morning, and i am thisclose to throwing Coen in the Jeep and heading to NYC, if it werent for his program and the afore mentioned gas raping i took i just might.

4. Expanding the Monkeyhead bag line so watch out...

5. Saw Ironman....loved it. Screw all the others RDJ is the hottest superhero, ever.

6. This argument has been going on in my car since Tuesday...
Coen: Mama i dont want to hear this song again
(New kids Summertime is on repeat)
Me : Tough, i wanna hear it.
Coen : Mama you are making me crazy with this song (as he sings and dances in the backseat)

7. I want a road trip, with my girls. I miss the old road trip days when we would all pile in the car with a bunch of ephedra, 44oz cokes, Debbie Gibson and the Annie Soundtrack and head off into the sunset. I think that is what i am looking forward to most of all about the New Kids reunion. I guess a little bit of reliving my "youth", know it sounds cheesy, but those were some of my best times, ever, and i would just like to do it just one more time.....

Miss you like crazy ladies, hope to see you soon


Anonymous said...

Oh you sweet girl. Did you get any free stuff today? I hope you got my message and took the opportunity to get some!

I know nothing can replace your BFFs, but how 'bout WE go on a roadtrip-- me, you, Jen, and any other hot mama or hot non-mama that wants to come with us! Think of the trouble we could get into. >:)

Dusty Brown said...

I think I will deserve a roadtrip break after July, just FYI.

emily the mom said...

um, yes, I took off the entire summer to spend with C & H, and now i'm starting to wonder - what was I thinking???? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!