Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Summatime..whoa ohhh

Okay, so where was i last....Went to NOLA, had a blast, but too short, too short, wish i was back...

Dads birthday was fun, had the fam over, Coen and i baked and decorated a cake. Had my girlies over with their tots for some outdoor fun...

Mothers day was uneventful. Denton worked and Coen and i went to brunch at moms, with my fam... Met Dusty and her girls at the park monday, had some laughs and some gossip...

And now, i am sitting in my little nook with The New Kids new single on replay...If denton doesnt shoot me now he never will... It is sooooooooo WEIRD and SURREAL to have actually written New Kids new single....It has been like 16 years....bizarre....When i think about what i hope is to come i start getting all giddy and my heart starts beating so fast, the ultimate anti-ager, I am all of a sudden 13 again in my ripped jeans and black shiny shoes, bangs teased and sprayed to the ninth degree....

I know it sounds really silly to anybody who was not apart of it, but for those of you who were you know what i mean...That whole experience totally changed my life, it is one of the single most important things to have ever happened to me...besides the birth of my child...

It brought me closest to 2 of the coolest girls i have ever met, i learned to take up for myself, got to travel all over the country and had the best time of my life.....

I cant wait to relive it all over again.......

"I think about you in the summertime,


And all the good times that we had baby

Been a few years and i cant deny

the thought of you still makes me crazy.....

Summertime, New Kids On The Block