Monday, January 19, 2009

My space

How does Myspace know i am fat. Seriously? Do they have some little guy sitting in a box lloking thru peoples photos going "here's a live one." why is it that any time i log onto "my space" there are various photos of stretch marks and diet pills and ads for big beautiful women. come on. Does this happen to anybody else. And if it really were "MY space: would i have ads like that pouring thru... NO. I would have ads for relaxation sites and people screaming "you are fabulous just as you are" or "wow you were a super mom today."
Next time i log on i just wish it would say "looking good bitch!"
welcome to my world, or Myspace it would seem


Anonymous said...

How does myspace know that I like sex? I'm always seeing "Penis Pills". LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

How does myspace know that I like sex? I'm always seeing "Penis Pills". LOLOLOL