Sunday, January 11, 2009


Okay, so this is the photo that has started this new weight loss endeavor in my life..I had ordered a new dress for Terras wedding, and it was too tight (imagine that) so Juli and I went out t find dresses. I found this really cute tshirt dress that i thought looked really cute on me. It was comfortable and it hid all my jiggly bits. I thought i looked tooooo cute, it wasnt until i saw the photos that i really realized what a FAT ASS i was.
I can hear you now, "How did she Not Know,".... I know I know, i dont know. Even when i had to buy a maternity shirt for work to cover my gut, i really didnt know.
Now i know....I am past the depressed part, and the why did i do this to myself part, that took a few weeks. Now i am onto the angry, motivated, doing something about it.
I have been eating healthier this week and started hooping and we joined the gym, so i am on my way.
I really want to get pregnant and refuse to do that at my present weight, so that is a factor, as is the impending reunion tour this summer....
so keep me and my fat ass in your prayers.....


Dusty Brown said...

Shea, It is hard to worry about your weight when you are a momma to someone under school age. Trust me, I know. We've been eating healthier, too, and when it warms up, I'm gonna get out walking and such. Things will work out. It is just so hard to prioritize your own healthy eating and intentional exercise at the same time that you have such a high priority...Coen. BTW, I think you look very pretty in the picture, and if it makes you feel any better, I have seen pictures of myself where I thought an outfit looked flattering and then the picture exposed fat rolls and a double chin. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I hate the feeling you get when looking at photos and thinking you looked amazing!! But, if it's any consolation, the camera does at 10 lbs. And I don't think you look as big as you maybe think.

But, I do wish you luck in the weightloss stuff...Lord knows that's such a struggle with us these days!!

And P.S. I think you look beautiful regardless in that photo..and you looked exceptional gorgeous at Sir Pizza the other day. :) Your smile covers it all!!

Scott Family said...

I know the feeling. I lost 11 lbs. right off the bat this year with a nasty stomach bug. It was ALMOST worth it.