Friday, February 15, 2008


I am so hopefull and am praying about this new house possibility....We meet with the realtor in the morning to place a bid.....I sooo want this house.....We so need this house. It is odd but I never realized how trapped and unhappy I have been in this house for the past few months until the reality of moving really started to materialize. I love this house, and i have many many great memories here. I got married in this house and started my family here. But we have outgrown it, and the walls are starting to close in on me. It has become dark, and i need some light.

I feel so much freer at the possibility of this house. It is airy and light with lots and lots of closet space. Denton and i could share the walkin and Coen could have a closet for the first time, I could hang up his clothes.....I pray and pray that this will happen....This house is so what I consider "Old school Murfreesboro" and soooo perfect for me, and my family. It is double the price and double the square footage but only 400 more than we pay now......Please send your prayers and positive energy our way....yah


Ashlee said...

It's beautiful, Shea! I love split-levels!

emily the mom said...

that is SO exciting shea - and so cute! aaron and I have thought about murfreesboro being the next place we move to later on the down the road...this just makes me want to do so even more!!!